Guidelines For Safe Exercise During Pregnancy

Can I still work out when I’m pregnant?

What exercises can I do and what can’t I do?

Is exercising going to cause anything bad to my baby during pregnancy? 

These are the concerns that moms get when they find out they’re pregnant. There are so many benefits of exercising during pregnancy, however, there are also some factors that we need to be aware of. As long as you understand the rules, you are good to go! 
‼️If you have a history of chronic heart and lung disease, history of premature labor or diagnosed with the following: Placenta Previa*, Cervix Insufficiency*, Preeclampsia*, please consult with your OB/GYN and pelvic rehab physical therapist for a tailored exercises program. These conditions need to be monitored carefully when performing exercises. We do not want you to stop what you love doing, but there are some conditions that we need to be cautious.

🔑The first rule of thumb is to listen to your body! If you sense something is weird or just not right please stop what you’re doing and consult with your OB/GYN and pelvic rehab physical therapist. Do not overexert your body! 

*Placenta Previa: When the placenta lies low in the uterus, it may partly or completely cover the cervix. This is called placenta previa and can cause vaginal bleeding.
*Preeclampsia: A disorder during pregnancy or after childbirth in which high blood pressure and other signs of organ damage can occur.
*Cervical Insufficiency: A condition in which the cervix is unable to hold a pregnancy in the second trimester.

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includes postures to avoid, types of exercises that are safe to perform and an exercise regimen