How To Modify Your Running Plan To Avoid Injury And Stay Consistent

A proper running plan continuously evolves depending on how your body is adapting. Maybe you had a long stressful week with little sleep and not feeling 100%. The last thing you want is to develop an injury that sidelines you. The biggest challenge of any running plan is staying consistent and by modifying your workouts based on what your body tells you can help.

Here are a few ways you can modify your training plan when not feeling 100% to stay consistent:

Decrease the pace of your runs

The faster you run, the more force your joints, muscle, and soft tissue need to absorb

Decrease your mileage on specific runs

This can offload your body and help with recovery

Don't run consecutive days

After a high-effort session such as an interval or tempo run, allow 48 hours for your body to recover

*These are temporary modifications to avoid injury, especially when you're not feeling 100%. Do not run if you have pain that alters your running mechanics, and seek guidance from a physical therapist if pain persists. If you are experiencing pain or currently dealing with an injury and need help, contact us for a discovery call!