3 Exercise Variations To Improve Ankle Stability

Why should you train ankle stability?

Single-leg ankle stability is essential for any sport that involves running, accelerating, decelerating, and lateral motions. Improving SL ankle stability is especially important for returning to sport after a repetitive stress injury such as plantar fasciitis, post tib tendonosis, and medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints)

Here are 3 single leg RDL exercise variations that will challenge your ankle stability:

🔸Perform 3 sets of 8 repetition
1️⃣SL RDL balance with arm
2️⃣SL RDL to knee drive
3️⃣SL RDL with hip rotation


If you are experiencing pain or currently dealing with an injury and need help, contact us for a discovery call!

3 Exercises for Foot/Ankle Repetitive Stress Injuries

What Can Cause a Repetitive Stress Injury?

Repetitive stress injuries of the foot and ankle commonly occur in runners of all levels. There are many factors to consider leading up to this kind of injury including injury history, tissue capacity, training load, recovery, and equipment.

How to Treat a Repetitive Stress Injury?

The goal of these exercises is to start the process of desensitization as well as rebuild injured tendons/soft tissues. We want to gradually expose the injured area to time under tension before progressing to more demanding movements.

Here are some rehab exercises to treat a repetitive stress injury at the foot/ankle:

1️⃣ Isometric SL heel raise

3 sets of 30-45 sec. holds


2️⃣ Isometric Wall sit + soleus raise

3 sets of 30-45 sec. holds


3️⃣ Isometric lunge + heel raise

3 sets of 30-45 sec. holds


If you are dealing with a repetitive stress injury that doesn’t seem to get better, contact us to see if we can help!