Why Your 6 Weeks Postpartum Check-up Should Also Be Performed By A Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist

What I experienced at my 6 weeks postpartum check-up

At my 6 weeks postpartum check-up, my OB did not assess my pelvic floor strength, organ prolapse, diastasis recti, etc. She only checked my scar tissue and cervix. I even specifically asked her to check me for organ prolapse but she didn’t. She only said everything looks like it's healing well and I should be fine.

I went back to my first CrossFit class that Monday. My body definitely does not feel the same even though I did my breathing and pelvic floor engagement exercises in combination with other movements.


9 months of pregnancy changes our body structure, movements, and proprioception. Your body won’t be back to normal in 6 weeks. Having a check-up with a pelvic floor physical therapist can help you understand where you are physically.


You will have a better understanding of which areas you need to work on and the process of getting back to the things you love to do prior to pregnancy.


Postpartum fact-check series 1: Why do I still look pregnant even after labor?


Our Co-Founder Jessica recently gave birth to a healthy baby boy! Here is a series where she shares her own experience during prepartum/postpartum. She hopes that this information can help moms or soon-to-be moms clear up any uncertainties as well as give advice and encouragement.


My tummy still looks 3 months pregnant from day 1 postpartum until the second week. On social media, people always post how fast they can get back into shape or how fast their tummy flattens. However, in reality, your tummy will still look 2-3 months pregnant after labor, that is normal. It takes a while for your tummy to get back to its original shape and there's also a chance it might never get back to pre-pregnancy form.

9 months of pregnancy is a joyful journey full of excitement but the journey of postpartum is always overlooked by people. 20 minutes after labor, I took my first shower since I was covered in blood. When I stood in the shower, I looked at my tummy and felt weird. My tummy felt hollow, nothing was in there, I even poked at it and it was soft and empty.
My husband saw my tummy a few hours later, he thought it would be flat right after. He asked me what was in there now? Air? I was like "swollen uterus, loose skin, and I don’t even know".

I did some breathing exercises with pelvic floor movement. It’s hard because your private part is so swollen but it’s okay to initiate the movements from day 1. This can help you to start to initiate muscle engagement, and restore motion. I’ll post more exercises down the road about what I did in these 6 weeks of postpartum.

Just remember:
1️⃣ Your tummy won’t become flat immediately
2️⃣ Give yourself some mercy. Don’t be too hard on yourself with your new body image.
3️⃣ Look at your new body image as a triumph, you just did an amazing job laboring a human being.
4️⃣ This is just temporary. After you have established a routine schedule with your baby, It’s never too late to start the proper exercise. You'll get back to who you were in no time!