3 Exercises for Foot/Ankle Repetitive Stress Injuries

What Can Cause a Repetitive Stress Injury?

Repetitive stress injuries of the foot and ankle commonly occur in runners of all levels. There are many factors to consider leading up to this kind of injury including injury history, tissue capacity, training load, recovery, and equipment.

How to Treat a Repetitive Stress Injury?

The goal of these exercises is to start the process of desensitization as well as rebuild injured tendons/soft tissues. We want to gradually expose the injured area to time under tension before progressing to more demanding movements.

Here are some rehab exercises to treat a repetitive stress injury at the foot/ankle:

1️⃣ Isometric SL heel raise

3 sets of 30-45 sec. holds


2️⃣ Isometric Wall sit + soleus raise

3 sets of 30-45 sec. holds


3️⃣ Isometric lunge + heel raise

3 sets of 30-45 sec. holds


If you are dealing with a repetitive stress injury that doesn’t seem to get better, contact us to see if we can help!

Bridge Exercise Variations to strengthen your hips and core

Benefits of Performing Bridging Exercises

The bridge is a great exercise for strengthening your glutes, hamstrings, and core. These exercises are great to incorporate into a rehab program before introducing higher-level strength training.

Here are a few bridge exercise variations you can try:

1️⃣ Bridge Marches


2️⃣ Bridge Walk-Outs


3️⃣ Bridge with Foam-Roller


4️⃣ Single Leg Bridge


5️⃣ Single Leg Bridge with Slider


The Most Effective Training Program is a Consistent One

The Key is Consistency

There are many great training and rehab programs out there but none of them will work if you are not consistent with it. It takes many hours of practice to master a certain skill, this is also true for lifting heavier, running faster, and recovering from injury. Consistency is how your body will adapt and progress.
During an initial evaluation with us, we will find and prioritize areas of weakness that need to be addressed. You won't be overwhelmed with too many exercises, we will pick the lowest hanging fruit first before scaling up. We know that many factors can affect consistency and building an individualized program that fits into your lifestyle is key.

Find out if we're the right fit for you, and schedule a free discovery call!