Improve Your Running Mechanics: Big Toe Extension Mobility

Big toe extension mobility is often overlooked when talking about efficient running mechanics, why is this so important?

During the phases of running, proper push-off requires your big toe to extend at least 45 degrees which is crucial to set up for an efficient propulsion phase. This is also known as triple extension when the trail leg is in full hip, knee, and ankle extension.

When there is a lack of big toe extension mobility we can see a decrease in hip, knee, and ankle extension. This can cause your stride length to be shortened which leads to an insufficient propulsion phase. Being able to push off your big toe also tightens the band of tissues underneath your foot (plantar fascia) to create a spring mechanism that propels your leg forward with less energy.

Here are some exercises to help improve your big toe extension mobility:


1️⃣ Lunge with big toe extension stretch

🔸Shift your weight onto the big toe on the back leg
🔸You should feel a stretch on your toe and/or bottom of your foot.
🔸Perform 5 slow repetitions


2️⃣ Quadruped rock backs

🔸As you sit back onto your ankles focus on stretching your big toe
🔸Perform 5 slow repetitions


3️⃣ Heel raises with elevated big toe

🔸Place a towel roll under your big toe right before the ball of your feet
🔸Focus your pressure on the big toe while pushing up
🔸Perform 3 sets of 15

If you are currently dealing with and injury, we can help!