✨3 things to check when you go back to the gym after labor✨

1️⃣ Heaviness/pressure-like feeling around your vulva area

🔸After labor, especially for breastfeeding moms, connective tissues that support your organs are not as stable as they were pre-pregnancy. When we start to lift heavy or challenge our core stability more than our tissues can handle, there is a risk of developing organ prolapse.

2️⃣ Conning at your central abdominal line can indicate diastasis recti

🔸During the third trimester, having conning is normal but after labor, if you are still seeing conning when you do any core exercises and/or weight lifting movements then you might have developed diastasis recti.

3️⃣ Leakage during high-impact activities

🔸When doing exercises such as box jumps, double unders, and running if there is leakage, this can indicate stress urine incontinence.
If you notice these symptoms when you are at the gym, please reach out to a Pelvic Floor PT for an assessment to see whether you have a pelvic floor dysfunction

Bridge Exercise Variations to strengthen your hips and core

Benefits of Performing Bridging Exercises

The bridge is a great exercise for strengthening your glutes, hamstrings, and core. These exercises are great to incorporate into a rehab program before introducing higher-level strength training.

Here are a few bridge exercise variations you can try:

1️⃣ Bridge Marches


2️⃣ Bridge Walk-Outs


3️⃣ Bridge with Foam-Roller


4️⃣ Single Leg Bridge


5️⃣ Single Leg Bridge with Slider


The Most Effective Training Program is a Consistent One

The Key is Consistency

There are many great training and rehab programs out there but none of them will work if you are not consistent with it. It takes many hours of practice to master a certain skill, this is also true for lifting heavier, running faster, and recovering from injury. Consistency is how your body will adapt and progress.
During an initial evaluation with us, we will find and prioritize areas of weakness that need to be addressed. You won't be overwhelmed with too many exercises, we will pick the lowest hanging fruit first before scaling up. We know that many factors can affect consistency and building an individualized program that fits into your lifestyle is key.

Find out if we're the right fit for you, and schedule a free discovery call!

Improve Your Running Mechanics: Big Toe Extension Mobility

Big toe extension mobility is often overlooked when talking about efficient running mechanics, why is this so important?

During the phases of running, proper push-off requires your big toe to extend at least 45 degrees which is crucial to set up for an efficient propulsion phase. This is also known as triple extension when the trail leg is in full hip, knee, and ankle extension.

When there is a lack of big toe extension mobility we can see a decrease in hip, knee, and ankle extension. This can cause your stride length to be shortened which leads to an insufficient propulsion phase. Being able to push off your big toe also tightens the band of tissues underneath your foot (plantar fascia) to create a spring mechanism that propels your leg forward with less energy.

Here are some exercises to help improve your big toe extension mobility:


1️⃣ Lunge with big toe extension stretch

🔸Shift your weight onto the big toe on the back leg
🔸You should feel a stretch on your toe and/or bottom of your foot.
🔸Perform 5 slow repetitions


2️⃣ Quadruped rock backs

🔸As you sit back onto your ankles focus on stretching your big toe
🔸Perform 5 slow repetitions


3️⃣ Heel raises with elevated big toe

🔸Place a towel roll under your big toe right before the ball of your feet
🔸Focus your pressure on the big toe while pushing up
🔸Perform 3 sets of 15

If you are currently dealing with and injury, we can help!


How to Prevent Running Injuries

There is a high incidence of lower extremity running injuries occurring in recreational and competitive runners, the knee being the most predominantly injured joint. Some risk factors that can increase the probability of a running injury include long training distances per week and a history of previous injuries. So how can we help prevent injuries like this from happening and keeping us off the sideline?


We need to prepare our bodies to adapt to ground reaction forces during running. On longer runs (more than 3 miles), it’s important that we prevent the breakdown of running mechanics and improve running efficiency.

Here are some areas that can be addressed to improve your resilience to injury:

🔸Training plan modification to safely balance your weekly workload
🔸Muscle strength and joint mobility deficits to improve load absorption
🔸Modifying running form and technique to improve energy efficiency
🔸Proper recovery and nutrition to prevent burnout

van Gent RN, Siem D, van Middelkoop M, van Os AG, Bierma-Zeinstra SM, Koes BW. Incidence and determinants of lower extremity running injuries in long distance runners: a systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2007;41(8):469-480. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2006.033548

Arnold, Michael & Moody, Aaron. (2018). Common Running Injuries: Evaluation and Management. American family physician. 97. 510-516.

How to get back to running and avoid injuries


Injuries from running can be preventable if you prepare your body for the sport. One common cause of running pain/injury is a sudden increase in mileage, frequency and/or pace following a period of rest. Knowing how to increase your running workload over time can help prevent repetitive stress injuries from occurring.

Here are a few rules that can guide you on how to properly increase your weekly mileage:

1️⃣ If you don't have any prior running experience, start with a walk/jog combination (0.1 mile walk/0.1 mile jog up to 1 mile). If you have prior running experience and can run at least 3 miles, start with that as long as you don't experience any discomfort that alters your running mechanics.
2️⃣ Your pace should be at a comfortable intensity where you can easily have a conversation with someone.
3️⃣ Keep your running schedule to no more than 2-3 days a week with a day rest in between to start.
4️⃣ The 10% rule: increasing your total weekly mileage by no more than 10% per week. (if you ran 10 miles total in the week, the following week should not exceed 11 miles)

‼️These guidelines will help give you a general idea on how to safely increase your running load. Everybody is different and guidelines can change depending on your running experience and injury history.

If you are experiencing pain or currently dealing with an injury and need help, contact us for a discovery call!

Is There a Correct Posture For Prolonged Sitting?


What is the best posture for me to sit in?

Neither! There is no perfect posture if you’re going to be sitting or standing for a long period of time. Our joints, muscles, and connective tissues need a certain amount of daily motion to maintain optimal joint health. Posture is context dependent! 

If there isn’t a right posture then why do I still have pain?

Your body is not prepared for the amount of the time that you spend in certain postures, or postures that you try to create. Many therapists instruct their clients to maintain a chin tuck position while sitting or standing to prevent  a forward head posture. However, if your muscles or tissues are not prepared to move repeatedly or constantly into this new position, you might start to develop neck pain. Injuries occur when your actions overpower the capacity of your muscles/tissues to perform.

I’m not saying that having good posture is not important. It’s also important to be constantly moving and changing positions throughout the day. Motion is lotion!