Runners: Landing and Force Production Exercises

Running is a series of single-leg jumps from one leg to the other. Training our muscles and tendons to absorb impact and produce force when our feet hit the ground can help improve running speed and prevent injuries.
Here is a progression of landing and force production exercises you can add to your training:

1️⃣ Bilateral Leg Snap Downs


Cues: Raise both arms over your head while going onto your toes. Perform a small hop and quickly bring your arms down by your side, landing in a knees-bent, hip-hinged position with both legs. Make sure to pause at the bottom. 

2️⃣ Single Leg Snap Downs


Cues: Raise both arms over your head while going onto your toes. Perform a small hop and quickly bring your arms down by your side, shift your weight onto one leg and go into a knees-bent, hip-hinged position. Make sure to pause at the bottom, keeping the landing feet, knee, and hip aligned.

3️⃣ Double-Leg Drop to Broad Jump


Cues: Stand on an elevated surface, step off with one foot, and land onto both legs with knees bent and hips hinged. As you land, jump forward as far as you can with both legs.

4️⃣ Single-Leg Drop to Broad Jump


Cues: Stand on an elevated surface, step off with one foot, and land onto one leg with knees bent and hips hinged. As you land, jump forward as far as you can with that leg. Try to keep your knees aligned with your toes when landing.

If you are experiencing pain or currently dealing with an injury and need help, contact us for a discovery call!