Warm-Up Circuit to Improve Your Front Rack Barbell Position

The front rack position is required when performing lifts such as cleans, front squats, and push presses. This position requires thoracic spine extension, lat muscle flexibility, and shoulder external rotation mobility.

Here is a quick warm-up circuit to prep your shoulders and spine for the front rack position:

Perform 3 Rounds
1️⃣Thoracic Extension w/ Elbow Flexion and Extension - 5x
2️⃣Thoracic Extension w/ Shoulder Lift Offs - 5x
3️⃣Front Rack Elbow Wall Slides - 5x

Give these a try!


Thoracic Extension w/ Elbow Flexion and Extension


Thoracic Extension w/ Shoulder Lift Offs

Front Rack Elbow Wall Slides