4 Rehab Exercises For Shin Splints

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome or shin splints is an overuse injury characterized by pain or tenderness on the inner side of the shin bone (tibia) closer to the ankle. This pain is caused by repetitive stress from the muscles/connective tissues surrounding the shin bone (tibia), leading to inflammation around the bone. This is one of the most frequent injuries occurring in runners with a rate of 13.2-17.3%

Here are four exercises that I like to incorporate into an athlete’s treatment plan:

1️⃣Ankle Dorsiflexion Mobilization


2️⃣Wall Supported Banded Single-leg Fire Hydrants


3️⃣Single-leg Hip Airplanes


4️⃣Single-leg Bridge Holds


If you are currently dealing with shin splints or experiencing pain when running, we can help!

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Improving Rotator Cuff Stability: Shoulder Taps

The shoulder tap exercise targets the rotator cuff muscles and other muscles around the shoulder isometrically. This makes it an excellent entry point to improve shoulder stability, especially if dealing with an injury such as shoulder impingement or rotator cuff strain/tendinopathy

When performing shoulder taps, ensure your chest is positioned over your hands, keep elbows fully extended, and neutral spine. Make sure to keep body sway to a minimum

Here is a shoulder tap exercise progression:

🔸Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps on each arm


1️⃣Shoulder Taps on Knees


2️⃣Shoulder Taps on Elevated Surface


3️⃣Shoulder Taps in Push-up Position


4️⃣Shoulder Taps in Bear Crawl Position

If you are experiencing shoulder pain or currently dealing with an injury, we can help!

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Training Your Muscles Eccentrically For Downhill Running

Eccentric exercises mimic the muscle lengthening action we rely on when running downhill. Performing eccentric strength training has been shown to limit the effects of exercise-induced muscle damage caused by downhill running and maximizes strength production.

Here are some eccentric exercises to incorporate into your training:
🔸Perform movements slow and controlled, focusing effort on the way down
🔸3 sets of 8-10

1️⃣Eccentric Single-Leg Box Squat


2️⃣Eccentric Anterior Step-Down with Slant Board


3️⃣Eccentric Single-Leg Hamstring Curl with Foam Roller


4️⃣Eccentric Single-Leg Hip Thrust


5️⃣Eccentric Single-Leg Heel Raises


6️⃣Eccentric Single-Leg Soleus Heel Raises


If you are experiencing pain when running or currently dealing with an injury and need help, contact us for a discovery call!

References: Douglas J, Pearson S, Ross A, McGuigan M. Chronic adaptations to eccentric training: a systematic review. Sports Med. 2017;47(5):917–41.
Saunders PU, Pyne DB, Telford RD, Hawley JA. Factors affecting running economy in trained distance runners. Sports Med. 2004;34(7):465–85.
Barnes KR, Kilding AE. Strategies to improve running economy. Sports Med. 2015;45(1):37–56.

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Reverse Nordic Curls To Improve Tight Hip Flexors

The Reverse Nordic Curl is a great way to strengthen the hip flexors eccentrically and address hip tightness due to muscle weakness

When performing this exercise, keep your rib cage down when performing this exercise, and engage your core to maintain a neutral spine throughout the motion. Start with band assist and progress to no assistance when you can maintain proper form.

1️⃣Reverse Nordic Curls with Band Assist

🔸Perform 3 sets of 8


2️⃣Reverse Nordic Curls

🔸Perform 3 sets of 8


Give these a try! If you are experiencing pain or currently dealing with an injury and need help, contact us for a discovery call!

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Strength Training James Foo Strength Training James Foo

Warm-Up Circuit to Improve Your Front Rack Barbell Position

The front rack position is required when performing lifts such as cleans, front squats, and push presses. This position requires thoracic spine extension, lat muscle flexibility, and shoulder external rotation mobility.

Here is a quick warm-up circuit to prep your shoulders and spine for the front rack position:

Perform 3 Rounds
1️⃣Thoracic Extension w/ Elbow Flexion and Extension - 5x
2️⃣Thoracic Extension w/ Shoulder Lift Offs - 5x
3️⃣Front Rack Elbow Wall Slides - 5x

Give these a try!


Thoracic Extension w/ Elbow Flexion and Extension


Thoracic Extension w/ Shoulder Lift Offs

Front Rack Elbow Wall Slides

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Plyometric Exercise Progressions For Running Speed and Efficiency

Why should you start doing plyometric exercises?

Plyometric exercises are a great way to improve your rate of force development and energy storage through your tendons. This translates into faster and more efficient running by increasing your maximal force output when your foot hits the ground.

Here is a plyometric exercise progression starting from easiest to hardest:


Jump Lunges w/o Switch


Jump Lunges w/ Switch


Single Leg Sprint Jumps


If you are interested in working with us, schedule a free discovery call!

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Running, Physical Therapy James Foo Running, Physical Therapy James Foo

Rearfoot Strike versus Forefoot Strike, Which one is better?

This is a common question that I come across with many runners, which foot strike pattern should I choose to help me run better?


There is little scientific evidence showing that one-foot strike is more beneficial than the other. A rear-foot strike is more commonly seen in recreational runners and transitioning to a forefoot strike does not mean improvements in running economy or reduced risk of injuries.

However, there are certain situations where transitioning to a different strike pattern can help. This is based on many factors such as injury history, running analysis findings, movement assessment, footwear etc.

If you are in the process of changing your foot-strike pattern, make sure to modify your running mileage/training accordingly and perform specific strength exercises to help your body transition smoothly.

If you are interested in working with us, schedule a free discovery call!

Xu Y, Yuan P, Wang R, Wang D, Liu J, Zhou H. Effects of Foot Strike Techniques on Running Biomechanics: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Sports Health. 2021 Jan/Feb;13(1):71-77. doi: 10.1177/1941738120934715. Epub 2020 Aug 19. PMID: 32813597; PMCID: PMC7734358.

Thompson, Missy et al. “The Coupling of Stride Length and Foot Strike in Running.” Frontiers in sports and active living vol. 4 768801. 12 Apr. 2022, doi:10.3389/fspor.2022.768801

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Runners: 3 Strength Exercises to Incorporate Into Your Training


Why you should add single-leg exercises into your workouts

Running is essentially jumping from one leg to the other repeatedly. That is why efficiently absorbing load through a single leg is crucial.

Here are 3 strength exercises incorporating single leg loading to help improve your running:

1️⃣ Loaded Marches - 3 x 30-40 seconds


2️⃣ Band Single Leg RDLs - 3 x 10


3️⃣ Front Rack Reverse Lunges - 3 x 10

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Running, Physical Therapy James Foo Running, Physical Therapy James Foo

Improve Your Running Mechanics: Hip Extension

Importance of Hip Extension During Running

During the toe-off phase of running, at least 10-15 degrees of hip extension range is crucial to set up for efficient propulsion. This is also known as triple extension when the trail leg is in full hip, knee, and ankle extension.

Issues That Can Occur When There Is a Lack of Hip Extension

When a runner lacks proper hip extension mobility, some common compensations that can occur include lumbar spine hyperextension, shortened running stride, and increased loading at the ankle joint. Inefficient running form can eventually lead to a repetitive stress injury.


Hip Flexor Weakness Can Be One of The Causes of Limited Hip Extension Mobility

If you have been stretching and continue to feel hip flexor tightness, the issue might not be a shortened muscle. Weakness can sometimes be perceived as muscle tightness. Try strengthening the muscle instead and see if that fixes the issue.

Here Are Some Exercises To Strengthen Your Hip Flexors:

1️⃣ Eccentric hip flexion contraction w/ Kettlebell

🔸Make sure to keep your back flat on the bench
🔸Bring both legs to your chest, hold onto the opposite leg and slowly lower the weighted leg down


2️⃣ End-Range hip flexion isometric holds

🔸Bring your knee up to your chest, release and hold the position
🔸Make sure to keep your core and glutes engaged


3️⃣ Resistant Band marches in Triple extension

🔸Raise your knee up towards your chest
🔸Make sure to keep your core and glutes engaged

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Overhead Shoulder Warm-Up Exercises

I usually have issues with end-range shoulder flexion during overhead loading, these exercises help prepare my shoulders by increasing my range of motion and stability in those positions.

Here are some of my go-to warm up exercises that I use to prep my shoulders for overhead lifts. Use light to medium weights (this is just a warm-up)

1️⃣ Thoracic Extension + Unilateral Elbow Liftoff

🔸Find an elevated surface to rest your elbows on
🔸With both hands touching your shoulder drop your chest towards the floor while maintaining a neutral spine
🔸Lift one elbow off the surface and hold for 5 seconds


2️⃣ Landmine Shoulder Rotations

🔸Start at end-range shoulder flexion with neutral spine
🔸Lower the barbell to one side and bring it back up, make sure the motion is slow and controlled


3️⃣ Bottoms-up Kettlebell Presses

🔸Start at a 90/90 elbow/shoulder position
🔸Press dumbbell up into end range shoulder flexion and hold for 5 seconds

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