Overhead Shoulder Warm-Up Exercises

I usually have issues with end-range shoulder flexion during overhead loading, these exercises help prepare my shoulders by increasing my range of motion and stability in those positions.

Here are some of my go-to warm up exercises that I use to prep my shoulders for overhead lifts. Use light to medium weights (this is just a warm-up)

1️⃣ Thoracic Extension + Unilateral Elbow Liftoff

🔸Find an elevated surface to rest your elbows on
🔸With both hands touching your shoulder drop your chest towards the floor while maintaining a neutral spine
🔸Lift one elbow off the surface and hold for 5 seconds


2️⃣ Landmine Shoulder Rotations

🔸Start at end-range shoulder flexion with neutral spine
🔸Lower the barbell to one side and bring it back up, make sure the motion is slow and controlled


3️⃣ Bottoms-up Kettlebell Presses

🔸Start at a 90/90 elbow/shoulder position
🔸Press dumbbell up into end range shoulder flexion and hold for 5 seconds