Improving Rotator Cuff Stability: Shoulder Taps

The shoulder tap exercise targets the rotator cuff muscles and other muscles around the shoulder isometrically. This makes it an excellent entry point to improve shoulder stability, especially if dealing with an injury such as shoulder impingement or rotator cuff strain/tendinopathy

When performing shoulder taps, ensure your chest is positioned over your hands, keep elbows fully extended, and neutral spine. Make sure to keep body sway to a minimum

Here is a shoulder tap exercise progression:

🔸Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps on each arm


1️⃣Shoulder Taps on Knees


2️⃣Shoulder Taps on Elevated Surface


3️⃣Shoulder Taps in Push-up Position


4️⃣Shoulder Taps in Bear Crawl Position

If you are experiencing shoulder pain or currently dealing with an injury, we can help!