When Is It Not Okay To Run With Pain?

Every runner wants to be able to run pain-free but in reality that is often not the case. Sometimes you can have aches/soreness from yesterday's strength workout or interval run. Maybe you overdid it on your last long run and now you have some knee pain. A question that comes up a lot is "is it okay to run with pain?", especially now that marathon training is underway and you don't want to fall behind on your training plan.

Here are some guidelines for when you shouldn't push through pain during your runs:

❌Pain that alters your running mechanics
❌Pain that gets worst during running
❌Pain that persists more than 24 hours after running
❌Having to take anti-inflammatory medications for your pain

*These guidelines work for most runners but not all. Many factors can cause pain while running and this needs to be evaluated case by case. The last thing you want to do is run on a bone stress injury.

If you are experiencing pain and unsure if you should continue running or you're currently dealing with an injury, schedule a free call!